I just had one of the happiest week i've had for a long long time.
November and December has been MISERABLE for me because the fiance has been away so so so much this 2 months, not to mentioned that work has been so busy, life just seems extraordinarily unrewarding when you spend the entire week working and not really have a life, and when it comes to the weekend there's nobody to spend it with either. ):
Grabbed this adorable Jingle Al lThe Way TooFaced Limited Efition iPhone 5 case X mini makeup palette! I love too faced cos their palettes are always sooo fun + cute!
actual palette, it has some of my favorite colors from the natural eye
palette + a bronzer + a blush!
So darn cute! Lol I'm guilty of using the
same TooFaced
natural eye palette (my favorite + I use it almost everyday) for 2
years+ I know it's time to throw it out and get a new one but I just
can't justify throwing it out a $60+ palette when it's perfectly fine!
What's your Christmas candies poison? This year for me it's the Hersey's #MintTruffle
Kisses! I can't resist popping this stuff one after another because
it's soooo good!
I realize it reminds me of After Eights but so much
better? Wanted to bake chocolate chip cookie with this but at the rate
I'm going.. There's gonna be none left for that!
Current beauty must-have: ettusais
Aroma Cream in Floral Rose [S$20] which is newly launched in Dec!
I use this for both hair + body,
mostly on my hair because I love it so much I'm afraid it will run out
too soon so I use it sparingly! But a little of this goes a long way!
It's a water cremé texture that melts into your hair/skin and it smells
Please make an EDT of this scent. Already bought another tube
of this to stock up. Thanks ettusais for sending this new love of mine! Makes a great x'mas present being totally pocket friendly!
Finally went to Kombi Rocks with Shirley & Felicia the other night , just realized it's just food is nothing to shout about + drinks.. All the beers listed on
the menu are not available except for one brand which tasted pretty
eeky :/
That pretty white Christmas tree thou..
Waist up "OOTD" cos I'm too lazy to take a proper one? I love my 10 mins quick curls thou!
And Shirley who gifted me my 1st craftholic bunneh! Hehe her name is Chobi and i'm hugging it as I'm typing this hehe *snuggle snuggle snuggle*
Prezzie from Felicia and I can't wait to try! Awww she knew I love the icebreaker sours so she bought a bunch for me!
Spent my Christmas Eve with my mummy and grandma and our new maid (her name is Swe Swe! haha so cute i wanna giggle everytime i call for her), ended work slightly earlier than usual and ffffffly to go grab a mini logcake so we can have it in the hospital!
We exchanged Christmas presents way earlier cos Leon is not around in Singapore for Xmas!
Lookie what he got me for x'mas! Loving this glitz+glam watch from Kate Spade.
And I got him this really cool WEWOOD watch heh! Can't wait to see him wear it, the cool thing is for every one of these watches, they would plant a tree!
★ Christmas Day look! ★

Wearing my Forever21 Velveteen skater dress + ForeverNew chain belt!
Tried curling my hair in an alternating inwards outwards manner instead
of my usual (outwards from my face curls) it's slightly messy but i
think i like it!
I LOVE MY OMBRE HAIR! Curls and Ombre hair are made for each other.
Well it's Christmas, when could be a better time to go GOLD?
Gold shimmer eyeshadow + Shimmer Taupe and matte dark brown shadow
So Leon came back on the night of Christmas, so we had a couple of hours to head out for dinner & we went to catch The Hobbit, i liked that 1st part of this movie series cos I felt that the 2nd movie seems quite lame where they keep getting captured and that the dwarfs gave up so easily when they couldn't find the key to the hidden entryway when they travelled all the way there. So zZz!
Went to check out Penny University at East Coast
The aroma of the coffee at Penny University.. wow
haha not a coffee drinker thou so i got a Cinnamon Hot Chocolate instead, mmmm the turkish eggs is amazeballs!! We left pretty quickly after we hungry piggies gobbled down our food since Leon was parked "illegally" cos parking is kind of an issue (super limited) at that area. Boo
Penny University
402 East Coast Road, Singapore 428997
Friday night after work we went back to East Coast near Penny University because Leon wanted to have the famous hokkien noodles there but when we got there it was sold out already! Boo checked out Havali Restaurant & Bar along East Coast Road
Naan + lotsa masala!
Havali Restaurant + Bar
17 Kampong Bahru Road Singapore 169347
After dinner, it felt a little early to end the night by going home at 10 + so we went to relax along Fullerton!
Made our exciting travel plans for 2014, i think it's going to be a trip of our life and we're saving for it now, better go travel and have the adventure of my life while I'm young right? In 2015 we will probably be saving like crazy for our wedding and 2016 we'll be saving for our 1st apartment, think renovation, furnishing our home etc *wipes cold sweat*
Don't see ourselves planning for something like this in the next few years so this trip has gotta happen in 2014!
Saturday I woke up feeling all happy and light from a weird dream i had that night, i think I've been feeling lonely and all depressed for the past 2 months and I've been feeling so stuffy from life in general so feeling all relaxed and happy- it was a pretty new emotion that i haven't felt for awhile.
Leon accompanied me to my braces appointment, and my orthodontist mentioned that he'll be adjusting the lower braces to catch up with the upper, my upper 2 tiger tooth & 2 tooth has been adjusted straight and i actually removed 4 pre-molars, 2 on top and 2 below and i think we're only left with closing the gap on the top!
I think it's amazing progress seeing that i only started the braces progress from removing 4 tooth, putting in the separators and finally putting on the braces in May and now it's only been 7 months and all my teeth is straighten and now all is left to be done is closing the GAPS! Hehe
Went for lunch and then headed to The Science Centre to check out the Titans of the Past exhibition, we have got to be the couple who have frequent the Science Centre the most number of times in our 9 years together. 0.0
Hahaha there was this Laser Maze thing that was quick funny when we watch these 2 guys played it, we tried it and it's really pretty damn hard!
Dinoland = Disneyland for him.
Anyway @leonlimyuzhi
was an in awe of his fav short handed friend T.Rex and he went all gaga
and said he wouldn't mind being eaten by one of those. What?! Lol what a
terrible fiancé! T.REX X LEON LOVE FOREVER
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Anyway @leonlimyuzhi
was an in awe of his fav short handed friend T.Rex and he went all gaga
and said he wouldn't mind being eaten by one of those. What?! Lol what a
terrible fiancé! T.REX X LEON LOVE FOREVER
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Anyway @leonlimyuzhi
was an in awe of his fav short handed friend T.Rex and he went all gaga
and said he wouldn't mind being eaten by one of those. What?! Lol what a
terrible fiancé! T.REX X LEON LOVE FOREVER
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Anyway he was in awe of his fav short handed friend- T.Rex and he went all gaga and said he wouldn't mind being eaten by one of those. What?! Lol what a terrible fiancé! T.REX X LEON LOVE FOREVER
to the science center so many times in our 9 years of dating. Anyway @leonlimyuzhi
was an in awe of his fav short handed friend T.Rex and he went all gaga
and said he wouldn't mind being eaten by one of those. What?! Lol what a
terrible fiancé! T.REX X LEON LOVE FOREVER
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Read more at http://web.stagram.com/n/fidelistoh/#EzX1oIO9dYo2dglC.99
Erm, kena forced me to take a photo with the fake fossil -.-
Only thing that i was fascinated by was this BRAAAAAAAINS, i was wondering and asking leon whose brain does he think it belong too? A caucasian? Hahah seems like he/she has grey eyes!
After we're done with the exhibition we got MacD's to nom on in the car on our way home! Hahaha it seem like the rewarding thing to do at Science Centre is to must get MacD before leaving! Hehe
Whoops, ending this post very abruptly cos my mummy made some Bird's Nest for me, woots bye and have a great SUNDAY! (:
♡ Love, TheLuckiestChick.
Hi! Love your blog! may i know where you get that white platform thing on your desk for your make up brush and perfume?
Hello Sharon! (:
I got that white "shelf" from ikea
Hi Fidelis
May i know where did you get the wewood watch from? Singapore selling it?
Thank you
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